07/01/2051, Goodison Park, Liverpool, England, Live on National TV
Premiership, English Premiership

Everton Vs Buxton

Everton play in a 3-5-2 Def formation, and line up with: R Gowon (GK) , J Patteson (CB) , J Hankin (CB) , B Hendrie (CB) , D Lucas (CM) , C Matthew (CM) , C Linen (CDM) , M Glendenning (RM) , J MacLaren (LM) , F Flint (ST) , J Drewes (ST) And the subs are: B McAskill (CB) , R Clasby (CB) , J Pennoyer (CM) , I MacGuinness (CM) , C Dolan (ST)

Buxton play in a 3-5-2 Att formation, and line up with: K Novy (GK) , T Probert (CB) , C Garces (CB) , I Patterson (CB) , V Elias (CM) , R Thomason (CM) , P Donohoe (CAM) , F Avalos (RM) , J Vital (LM) , C Tweed (ST) , T Sabio (ST) And the subs are: I Keay (GK) , M MacGinnis (CDM) , B Chukwunyelu (CAM) , C Bogle (ST) , A Kinnison (ST)