05/01/2047, The Spartans Stadium, Edinburgh, Scotland
Premiership, Scottish Football League

The Spartans Vs Livingston

Stadia Capacity & Attendance
Total Capacity: 69999 Total Attendance: 68606
Home Capacity: 58099 Home Attendance: 58099
Away Capacity: 11899 Away Attendance: 10507
Ticket Prices & Sales
Band A Prices: 80 Tickets Sold: 3990 Season Tickets: 6300
Band B Prices: 60 Tickets Sold: 9312 Season Tickets: 14700
Band C Prices: 40 Tickets Sold: 13303 Season Tickets: 21000
Fixture Revenue & Expenses
Tickets: 1410131
Sponsorship: 1022400
Merchandising: 205818
Expenses: 159255
Balance: 2479094