01/12/2046, The Ross Tasso Stadium, Motherwell, Scotland
Division One, Lowland Football League

Caledonian Braves Vs Vale of Leithen

Stadia Capacity & Attendance
Total Capacity: 8000 Total Attendance: 2595
Home Capacity: 6640 Home Attendance: 2510
Away Capacity: 1360 Away Attendance: 85
Ticket Prices & Sales
Band A Prices: 25 Tickets Sold: 315 Season Tickets: 73
Band B Prices: 15 Tickets Sold: 736 Season Tickets: 171
Band C Prices: 10 Tickets Sold: 1053 Season Tickets: 245
Fixture Revenue & Expenses
Tickets: 29491
Sponsorship: 8640
Merchandising: 3892
Expenses: 7444
Balance: 34579