New Player. Youth team training
Mad Muppet
22/06/2024 at 16:17

Hi, recently started playing and have a couple of questions that I didn't see in the guides on first read-through.

1. What is the youngest age a youth player can be promoted to seniors? Is there much benefit to taking younger youth players in low leagues?

2. Assuming youth and senior training facilities are both basic, is it better to leave a youth player in training in the youth team until 18, or promote to senior team to train with team at 16 or 17? Is there even a difference in training progress?

Thanks in advance for your time.

22/06/2024 at 20:33
Atlético Clube Goianiense    
Youth players in smaller clubs with basic facilities aren't likely to be good enough to play in the seniors so you might as well keep them in the youth team until they're 18.

However you can sign them to the pro team at any age (youngest they are generated is 16 anyway).

Training progress depends on your trainers abilities. E.g youth coach or head coach. But it won't do any harm training longer in the youth team. They'll still reach the same attribute levels.

Mad Muppet
23/06/2024 at 07:03
Thanks for the answers, much appreciated.