Rutherglen FC

Owner: NOG
Location: Rutherglen, South West, Scotland
Stadium/Capacity: Rutherglen FC Stadium, 5200 (Maintenance 3900rq per month)
Training: Excellent grounds with large well-equipped Training Centre
Youth Academy: Excellent grounds with large well-equipped Training Centre. Youth trained from 9 years.
Squad Rating: 685
Division: Pos - 2, League Two, Scottish Football League
Last Game: 13/01/2047: Peterhead 1 - 2 Rutherglen FC
Next Game: 20/01/2047: Rutherglen FC Vs Fraserburgh FC
Capital: Undisclosed
Club Class: 219
Reputation: 101
Club Value: 31,220,713
Global Fanbase
Belgium 9
England 4